Monday, July 8, 2013


I decided to do a practice run of the first five pages of the script. Here's an excerpt. I plan on using greytones or perhaps bluetones to add some literal depth to the thing. 


I might do more thorough character sheets closer to the actual due date, but here's what I have for now. The ones I've gotten around to name were done so according to the first-thing-that-comes-into-your-head principle. They might be subject to change.

The Heir - a young squirt. Proud, curious, rebellious.

Benjamin Dewey, of Tragedy Series fame, named this one Herbert, so there you go. Not quite a father figure to Rada, but an ally at least. 

Irene is sweet and quiet for the most part. The scars on her left side are from a man-o-war.

The long-suffering Queen. 
Head Chancellor Kor. Not happy with Rada at all, for reasons.